janet echelman.

Monday, 16 May 2011

I love so much about these string installations by American artist, Janet Echelman. She really explores the possibilities of string, which is such a simple, almost one dimensional material.  She transforms this material into something that is so immensely sculptural and dynamic, it almost seems like it is its own life form. What I also really enjoy about her work, is the way it engages with its surroundings and transforms spaces and places with it's bold presence.

She tells me that we can expect an installation in Sydney in September this year. Well, it has been a while since I've been to Sydney...I think it's time to book some flights!

Check out more of her work here.

All images are reproduced from the Janet Echelman website
with her kind permission.


  1. wow ella! what a great idea! looking forward to the rest of the instalments!
    how did you find out about this artist? what beauty designs! where are these sculptures? i like the cyclone looking one over the lit up city the best:) i wonder how she does it..

  2. I was going to call it a willy-willy! but yes, the cyclone looking one is my fave too. The one directly below is also pretty cool. The choice of lighting complement the installations, nice like....

  3. wonderful ! I'd like to see directly. I appreciate a lot.


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