a double addiction.

Wednesday, 3 August 2011

Anyone who has spoken to me for at least five minutes in the last month or so is probably aware of my rather severe Pinterest addiction. Anyone who is following me on Pinterest is also probably aware that I'm addicted to collecting images of neutral interiors. Spaces that are brought to life with light and texture I find particularly alluring. I really can't get enough of it. Perhaps a bit of sharing might help take the edge off.

If you wish to start following me, you can find me here. If you don't know what Pinterest is, my golly it's time to get on board. Brace yourself for beautiful image overload.

via Lany
via pinner Dana. Photograph by Martin Morrell.
via pinner I'm revolting (who may well be my favourite pinner)
Jose Adriao Arquitecto's Baixa Pombalino via  I'm Revolting.

via  pinner Hanna Jane 

Bali Villa by AB Concept via The Contemporist (my own pin)
Aidlin Darling Design's Sonoma Spa Retreat via pinners Trisha & Janet.
via pinner Bren Bren
via Lovenordic Design (my pin)
By Norm Architecture via pinner aao
By Norm Architecture via pinner nok acharee.

One thing I don't like about Pinterest is that credits are often lost. If you see something here with missing credits and you can fill in the gaps, please let me know.


  1. oh golly Ella all of these images are beautiful! I have developed a bit of a design-crush on Norm Architects over the past couple of years; damn those danish for their uber style etc etc!

    I have immense interest in starting a pinterest [ha] but know that I shouldn't before the end of the year because it will absorb too much time...

  2. oh my god i love every pic.... we share similar taste :)

    i especially love the 'hair portraits' on the wall about half way down... v.cool! i love photography on walls. ('v' canvases)


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