cakes by maggie austin.

Sunday, 18 September 2011

I am blown away by the work of American cake artist, Maggie Austin. Maggie underwent pastry training in France after a career as a ballerina. I can see how her ballet background has influenced her cakes. Hints of delicate, weightlessness paired with exquisitely detailed embellishments, reminiscent of ballet costuming. I know I'm not a food blogger, but I think these cakes fall firmly in the realm of art and design.

Discovered via Gray. Images via Maggie Austin's website. She has an extensive portfolio on her website if you want to see more.


  1. These are incredible! i am rather fond of cake decorating myself, I actually made a few of my friends 21st cakes with fondant icing etc [my mum is a total pro and taught me the ways]. I think it comes back to the OCD tendencies with model making ha! your story you told me the other day made me laugh - I have had a very similar situation myself x

  2. AHmazing cakes - jees :) Thanks a mill for your comment on my blog -have a sunny day,

  3. OMG! I really really love the cake's design. The cakes are so fabulous and I love the flower toppings. Amazing work. Super like...


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