weekend project: geyser website.

Friday 13 July 2012

Last weekend was spent getting the GEYSER website off the ground. It was a bit of a struggle as I'm not exactly an IT expert, but with the help of some intensive Googling, I'm happy to announce that it is now live! Hooray! Click here to have a peek.

My favourite section of the website is the About Us page. Seeing as our installation explores ideas of thermal bathing, we thought these cucumber-eye, spa shots would be quite fitting and a bit of fun. Nice idea Caitlin! Not super relevant but how bangin' does Caitlin's red hair look in these photos?

Now that the website is up, we're more excited about this installation than ever.

We've also set up a Pozible campaign to help with some of the associated costs. Donations of any size will gain mega brownie points and big time appreciation from our little team of three. Click here to show your support.


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