hump day happy place: folklore store

Wednesday, 8 August 2012

Hello there, today's hump day happy place is bought to you by the letter J. Well more specifically, me - [Jenna]. I normally hang out over here, but Ella has given me the keys to her blog, so I will be popping by every now and then to help her out while she is off being an over-achiever!

The pictures below are of independent design group Folklore's new store in Islington, London. Folklore, which is run by Danielle Reid and her husband Rob, is based on the simple ethos of design through handmade/antique or recycled materials [notice the Amazon cardboard in the light fittings? and the lamp in the third picture down is made from a jelly mould!]- crafted in a sustainable manner.

The fit out of their store reflects this well. I particularly love the shelving hanging from the steel rods fixed to the wall with brackets. If you have a closer look, the timber shelves are held in position with metal rods inserted through the weave of the rope - a very clever, yet beautifully simple design solution.


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