I'm over on yellowtrace today talking about Monika Gryzmala's three dimensional drawings. Whilst researching, I stumbled across the "Freeing the Line Exhibition," which Gryzmala contributed to in 2006.
Curated by Catherine de Zegher, the collection brings together the work artists who "free the line" from the two dimensional plane. Using fine, linear materials such as wire and thread, these artists allow drawings to expand into a three dimensional space.
As someone who spends all day looking at two dimensional drawings and imagining them as three dimensional spaces, these works offer a warm place of familiarity for me. It's fascinating that as soon as the line shifts into the third dimension, the line or "drawing" is much less a representation but becomes the work itself. Well, that's if you consider a drawing as simply a representation in the first place.
Oh dear, this conversation could keep going on for a while...
Images via Marion Goodman Gallery
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