100 x 3 = genius concept.

Monday, 25 July 2011

Yesterday I went to the "You're Welcome" artshow which raised money for the Asylum Seekers Resource Centre. There were 100 artworks on display with 100 tickets up for grabs at $100 each. Each ticket holder took home a piece of artwork which was selected at random. Genius concept if you ask me. Venue, artists and organisers contributed pro bono.

I was lucky enough to win a painting by Rachael Freeman. Unfortunately, I didn't get any good photos of it before I sent it to the framers, but here are some examples of Freeman's work. She is best known for her mixed media, abstract landscape paintings often involving pools of intense colour.

All images from Rachael Freeman's website.


  1. wow, what a stunning painting... look forward to seeing some images when it is back from the framers....


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