suspended objects.

Wednesday, 27 July 2011

Anyone in the mood for a bit of escapism today? I'd love to step into an immersive world of tiny suspended objects for a while. Here are three great installation artists who create such worlds: Jacob Hashimoto, Nike Savvas and duo Gerda Steiner and Jorg Lenzlinger.

Jacob Hashimoto's "Silence Still Governs our Conciousness"
discovered via of paper and things. Images from Jacob Hashiomoto's website.
Nike Savvas "Adventures through time and Space." Photo by Ian Waldie.
Image via Life.
Nike Savvas "Atomic: full of love, full of wonder."
Image via Rosslyn Oxley 9 Gallery.

Gerda Steiner & Jorg Lenzlinger's "Falling Garden."
Image via artists' website.


  1. absolutely beautiful. i just found your blog and i am in awe...fabulous work.

  2. Thanks, cabbagerose! How kind. I hope you've subscribed to my (very late) reply because I can't seem to comment on your blog. I've subscribed to you blog too. Hope to see you in the blogosphere....


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