asuka hara, saving the world one coffee at a time.

Sunday 7 August 2011

I met Asuka a few of months ago through dance. However, Asuka is not just a dancer, she's a super human. Or at least I think so. She's beautiful, friendly, intelligent, incredibly driven and socially minded.

Asuka with Kinfolk co-founder Jarrod Briffa.

Two and a half years ago (which by my calculation means she was only 23), Asuka and two friends founded the cafe Kinfolk. Kinfolk is a social enterprise and all proceeds are forwarded to charities both locally and abroad. The venture helps feed the homeless locally, supports indigenous education programs and projects in Ghana, Rwanda and Bangladesh. Customers choose where their money goes by placing a coffee bean in one of the jars at the counter. Kinfolk also serves great food and coffee in a warm and unpretentious environment with friendly staff so it's no surprise that it's always packed out.

Customers select where their profits go by placing a coffee bean in one of these jars.

It was quite an effort capturing an empty table at Kinfolk, but I managed to sneak one in.

This was delicious!

On Friday, Asuka sadly said goodbye to Kinfolk. Whilst tomorrow, the doors will open without her, the cafe will continue to promote change. Kinfolk would never have come to fruition without her initiative and dedication. I'm so in awe of what she has achieved at such a young age. It may be the end of the Kinfolk adventure for Asuka, but I'm sure much more lies ahead for this inspiring young lady.

Follow this link if you're interested in volunteering.

All photos in this post, except for the first image, are by me.


  1. A M A Z I N G !!!!!

    beautiful concept, cafe and photography skills!!

  2. This place looks so fantastic! I wish we had one in venice! Happy Sunday! xx

  3. @E R I N

    Thanks, Erin! The photography compliments means a lot coming from you!


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