the aftermath.

Sunday, 23 October 2011

We had our final dance performance last night. This last week has been exhilarating, adrenaline charged, magical and intensely moving. John summed it up well when he said I was clearly "drunk on life." A huge part of the experience was sharing the stage and connecting with the 16 other beautiful dancers in the show. It was simply unforgettable.

It might sound cliched, but honestly, I've learnt through this experience that you should do what you love and that anything is possible. Trust me, being drunk on life is the best feeling in the world.

Holstee's manifesto. I know this has been reblogged a thousand times but the words are so fitting.
I made a conscious decision not to photograph the experience because I wanted to focus on living it. However, I can share some images of the lovely flower arrangements I received over the weekend.

Now excuse me while I go off and douse myself with Voltaren gel. I can definitely feel it now that the adrenaline has worn off!

John gave me the biggest bunch of flowers I've ever received. Aren't I a lucky lady?
From my very thoughtful friend, Stevie. She picked them up from my favourite florist, Whitemoss.  
Extra bonus, there are succulents hiding in there. I'm going to try and save and keep them.
A bunch on my dresser in my bedroom. From my parents.
PS. I know I promised a guest post while I was away but quickly realized guest posts still take time to put together too.  I promise my guest post will be up tomorrow!


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