no lights no lycra.

Wednesday 18 January 2012

Last night I went to "No Lights No Lycra," a 90minute session of alcohol-free, dancing in the dark. You're encouraged to dance like you're in your living room. With an objective like that, every person in the space is one hundred percent committed to the dance floor. So basically, everybody goes bananas and there is no judgement (and none of the creepy voyeurs you get on a regular dance floor either).

I'd describe it as a cross between a party, a cardio workout and cathartic release. It's more like a party than a meditation session, but there is something quite meditative about using your body to completely let loose.

If you love the pure act of dancing, I can't recommend it enough. It's incredibly freeing and so much fun. Music ranged from Karen O and Kitty, Daisy & Lewis to George Michael and Gloria Estefan. Something for everyone. "No Lights No Lycra" is a growing phenomena with sessions cropping up worldwide. Current locations are listed here but I wouldn't be surprised to see this list grow very quickly.

Images via Broadsheet. Photographs by Alice Glenn taken for NLNL.


  1. this sounds amazing! I would LOVE to go to something like this

  2. It IS amazing! They've got sessions in Vancouver so hopefully it won't be long before they have them in Toronto too!


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