a getaway.

Monday, 16 January 2012

Just a quick note to let you know I'm still alive. I've been in Hobart for the last few days for MONA FOMA. There's much I'm excited to share about the trip but I'm still feeling a little fuzzy from last night's late flight. Or perhaps it has something to do with the rather heavy dosages of sugar from Jackman and McRoss Bakery I indulged in yesterday? Either way, I hope to upload something over the next few days once I've recovered a little. I'll be back very soon!


  1. can't wait for you to be back! although these pastries look quite delicious! rest up!

  2. I've missed you! Can't wait to hear about your trip :)

  3. I've missed you! Can't wait to hear about your trip :)

  4. haha! Glad to see the tip for Jackers + Mackers paid off! how beautiful has our weather been down here?! x


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