boiling frog.

Monday, 16 April 2012

I'm not sure when it happened exactly. It started with the blog. A few months later, Pinterest. Then Twitter. Delicious. More recently, I set up a Facebook page for the blog and in the last few days, I have ignited a frighteningly instant addiction to Instagram. When did I become a complete social media junkie?

I have resisted Instagram for a long time. I'm not entirely comfortable with idea of a faux vintage photo taken with the latest iPhone, or the deluded notion that having access to filters makes you an overnight photographer. However, it is a really easy way to celebrate and share the simpler joys of everyday life with both real life and e-friends. It also seems a more comfortable place to share my weekend projects, which I'm always a little loathed to do on my blog. If you wish to follow me, my handle is ella_umbrella (I know, I know. My handle makes me sound fifteen years old. Please don't judge).

If you follow me with Facebook, I'll be sharing selected Instagram shots there too.

Images above taken with my phone using Instagram. The leather pouch I made for my business cards, succulents I poached from my Aunt's garden, my Saturday polymer clay creation and yesterday, having fun with black paint and my $10 thrifted carver chair.


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