a birthday + a new address
Monday 14 May 2012
Do you know what day it is today? It's exactly one year since my first post! Crazy, huh? Since the little blog is growing up, I've decided to move it to it's own domain. From now on, you can find me at pagesfrommymoleskine.com. The old URL and existing subscriptions should still work so hopefully I don't lose you in the move.
Thank you all so much for following me over this last year. It's been a slightly meandering journey where I've learnt a lot about both the broader creative community and myself. It's amazing how blogging has helped me sharpen my design instinct, gain confidence and develop a greater awareness of my own interests as a designer. It's also been such a pleasure to write for the first time in years. I didn't realize how much I missed it.
There are a few special little souls out there that have been ever so supportive and listened to my incessant blog related banter. (Should I get a custom domain? A new header? Is that something I can blog about? Is that interesting for people? Oh dear, I'm really sorry about all that.) Coincidentally, all of you have names staring with J with the exception of one C. You know who you are. Thank you, thank you. I am so grateful for every piece of advice and your encouraging words.
As I move into the next year, I'm finding myself becoming hyper aware of the direction I want for my blog (a bit like a blog-istential crisis). Over the next year, expect to see a bit more structure and focus. If you've got any feedback, feel free to leave a comment or email me.
Here's to year two being as fun as the first!
Base image: Candlestick by John Pawson via. Just to freak us all out, that image is a computer render. Those 3D modellers are out of control these days!
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