hump day happy place: coachella desert retreat.

Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Today's happy place is a proposed desert retreat by Edward Ogosta Architecture. (Yes, these are computer renders by more wildly talented people of this world.)

The architecture has been designed to frame four key experiences: the morning sunrise, the scenic mountain views, the city lights and the stars. Each of the four towers is a sleeping space and each frames one of these four views. There is no hierarchy between rooms so visitors can be romanced by whichever experience they so choose. A central living space links the four towers.

Whilst the interiors are a little too stark for my personal taste, the concept is so engaging. I'd love to spend a weekend in a house like this. Plus it's in the Coachella Valley. World class music festival + experimental architecture sounds like a pretty good time to me.

Images via homedsgn.


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