we did it

Tuesday, 2 October 2012

So we did it. Over the weekend, we exhibited our first ever installation. Overall, GEYSER was a great success. It was incredibly rewarding to see it realized and even more rewarding see our visitors connect and respond to the work. The response was overwhelmingly positive and we've already had people asking when we'll do it all again.

Unfortunately, it wasn't all fun and games. Two hours before exhibiting, for reasons completely beyond our control, we had to pull out of the Fringe Festival and make GEYSER a private event for family and friends only. With great sadness, we closed the installation to the public. My deepest apologies go to anyone who was turned away. It's a long story and one that feels too fresh and painful to be re-telling just yet.

Fortunately, we photographed the hell out of it, so our work will reach the public one way or another. Stay tuned for the full run down!

PS. In other news, I'm also over on yellowtrace today sharing a little post I prepared earlier.

Photo by me. If you're on Instragram and want to see more, our guests saved their images under #geyserproject.


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