weekend project: 2013 calendar

Friday, 18 January 2013

Over the Christmas break I made myself a little wall calendar using images I've taken over the last year. I layered a few notes-to-self on the images. They're notes from my 2012 self to my 2013 self, as a reminder of what I learned last year.

A friend suggested that others might find Ella's notes to self useful too, so you can download it here. I ended scaling the file down to tile nine onto an A3 sheet, but the original file is a bit bigger. 

If you want to drop your own images in, you can download the InDesign file here (you'll need to grab the calender template by Shutter Sisters and relink). The file expires at the end of the month so be quick. If you do make one, I'd love to see it so make sure you instagram/tweet/email it to me!

PS. Thanks for all the enthusiasm for my weekend projects. In 2012, they were by far my most popular posts. Ahh shucks...the encouragement is too nice. Making is one of my greatest little joys so I hope to up the frequency this year.


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