assemble, northcote

Wednesday, 18 September 2013

I was lucky enough to visit Assemble's studio over the weekend. For those who don't know, Assemble is a melting pot of minds from the fields of architecture, design, fine art, finance, construction and branding. They run online journal, Assemble Papers and they provide architecture, design and property development services as Assemble Projects. Together they promote small footprint living, centring around people and quality of life. 

Having already read about their core values, I had a feeling they were going to be cool. I met with Eugenia and Pino who were exactly the gentle and generous souls I was expecting them to be.

They designed their own studio space which, I'm sure you've noticed, has an absolutely rocking origami ceiling. Designed to disguise the existing services and provide acoustic absorption, the creeping structure folds dynamically across the ceiling. It is made with plantation pine studs that finger into one another at the internal folds. The pine structure brings warmth and life to an otherwise bare concrete shell.

Beneath the structure are a series of lime washed desks with marmoleum lining. Full height cabinets separate the space into three key areas: entry, studio and meeting room. With everything on castors, the space is highly adaptable.

Whilst Local Spaces built the space, the whole team got together doing odd jobs like painting and lime washing. It was slowly completed over approximately nine months. 

What really struck me about this studio, is the way it carries the mark of the clever and passionate people that work within it. It speaks of their design interests, their highly collaborative, multi-disciplinary way of working as well as their focus on people and slow living. 

The studio space is exciting and engaging and most importantly, human.

Before I sign off, a quick note! On top of Assemble Papers, Eugenia has also been busy working on video art festival, Channels. (High achiever much?) After three and half years in the making, the festival opens tonight! It starts at 6pm at Guildford Lane Gallery. Read more here and then proceed to mosey on over there.

[Photos by me]


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