back on the bike.

Monday, 29 August 2011

After a winter long, bike riding hiatus, I think I'm ready to come back. The stars are aligning; the weather is picking up, my bike has finally been properly repaired (a two year saga that I'd rather not discuss) and after collecting my bike from the bike shop today, an email about Ride to Work Day was waiting in my inbox. To further encourage my bike riding frenzy, I hit the Sartorialist to revisit some of my favourite cycling posts. I'm now feeling sufficiently inspired to get back on the bike.

My bike (aka Kevin)
It is a little tough to look as chic as the fine ladies on the Sartorialist when you need to wear a helmet. Which leads to a crazy invention I want to share with you;"The Hovding." It's basically a collar for cyclists that inflates like an airbag when it senses sudden movements. It offers safety for those who really don't like hat hair. I'm not sure I hate hat hair that much but it does sound intriguing. You can read more about it here.

The Hovding Helmet by Swedish designers Anna Haupt & Terese Alstin. Image via Like Cool.


  1. I love 'Kevin' - very dreamy!

  2. Love your bike Ella!

    ahh I love cycling to uni/the supermarket/etc etc. Yesterday in a cycling store with my Dad [who is an extremely hardcore ride-up-hills-in-the-wildnerness type of guy] I actually enquired about getting a second basket for the back of my bike. Alas Dad overheard, rolled his eyes and dragged me out of the shop telling me to stop being so much of a nerdburger and that I didn't need a second basket and to just stop taking so many books to school.

    The moral of this story is although I have mastered the art of cycling in dresses + heels I will never look as good as the sartoralist peeps on a bike. Sigh!

  3. I seriously enjoy that you named your bike Kevin. A perfectly suitable name!

  4. Thanks for your comments! I named him "Kevin" after the econimic stimulus package that helped fund his purchase. Thanks K.Rudd. Ha ha!

    @Jenna,I totally know what you mean. One basket just isn't enough. I don't care about the judgemental glances I get from those hard core lycra clad cyclists!

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