possibly the best computer generated images i've ever seen.

Thursday, 8 September 2011

Big call, I know, but these renders by Bertrand Benoit are show stoppers. I've been doing plenty of rendering of late and was feeling pretty proud of my work until I saw these. These images  are not only frighteningly realistic, they are beautifully crafted and composed images in their own right.

Graticule House. Architecture by David Jameson.

Discovered via Japanese Trash. All images from BBB3viz. More images on Flickr too.


  1. No way! I kind of don't believe you ;) Amazing! I am totally blown away. Thanks for your comments on my blog. I am so sorry you have had trouble subscribing in google reader! If you type in www.metainteriors.com in the add a subscription box it should add it. Please let me know if that doesn't work. You can also click on the rss feed and choose google.

    Thanks so much for the tip on the Belgian Architect...I am totally going to order the "500 Timeless Interiors!"


  2. The textures used here - I'm speechless! I should be inspired to improve my renderings, but somehow I feel intimidated by this perfection...

  3. I feel the same, design traveller! It kind of leaves me wondering why I even try!


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