I may have taken on one too many things. Do you ever feel like this? Just letting you know I haven't forgotten you! I've just been a bit swamped with my side projects, sadly leaving little time to blog. Pending a productive weekend from me, I'll be back next week in full force!
I'm Ella Leoncio, Melbourne architect, design junkie and serial hobby adopter. Welcome to my online journal. Here I record things that make my heart race, plus occasional entries about my own personal adventures.
I encourage you to share my original content with your online audiences. All I ask is for a link back to this blog. Thanks for spreading the word about my corner of the web!
However, please contact me for written consent before reproducing photos, writing or tutorial ideas for commercial purposes.
I do my best to give credit to reproduced content. If you see an image that is incorrectly sourced or you'd prefer to have removed, please contact me immediately.
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