a new adventure: geyser.

Monday, 4 June 2012

The Friday before last, my friends Caitlin and Rob suggested we one day create an installation together. I immediately agreed that this was, in fact, their best suggestion ever. Afterall, the idea of testing materials and making things by hand is pretty much 90% of what I harp on about on my blog. I'm also really excited to create a temporal space with no inherent function. A space where we can indulge entirely on the experiential.

Propelled by a potent mix of passion and excitement, a looming Fringe Festival registration deadline and an immensely generous sponsorship offer from a stunning exhibition space, we are now registered to exhibit later this year. Yup. It is absolutely happening and I couldn't be more excited.

I'll share a bit more about the exhibition space soon (and holy moley, it is REALLY good).  I'll also post occasional updates as part of my Friday "weekend project" series. Stay tuned!

Thermal bathing awakens an awareness of our bodies in space. Shifts in temperature, feelings of weightlessness and the experience of full body immersion, activate our senses beyond the everyday. 
In the absence of water, GEYSER explores the potential for architecture to create environments of sensory bathing.  How can sound, light, form and texture heighten our bodies' response to space?


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